Array Experimental Turin 1959 – 1969 - Biographical videos, touch screens, video installations

Experimental Turin 1959 – 1969

Experimental Turin 1959 – 1969

This exhibition is the biography of a city: it features a fundamental decade in the history of art and culture of Turin and its surrounding area. "Experimental" was Pinot Gallizio's workshop, founded in Alba in 1955 as an operational extension of Asger Jorn's Bauhaus Imaginiste and later of Situationist International. Experimental is one of the terms around which the artistic organisations gathered during that decade: CIRA, the Gruppo Sperimentale d’Arte di Torino, the Studio di Informazione Estetica, CRAS and the Corpi Plastici.

Produced by Regione Piemonte
touch screen with  2000 pictures
video: 20’, col.

Exibition by: Luca Massimo Barbero

Director - Fabrizio Galatea
Scientific research: Giorgina Bertolino, Francesca Pola
Motion graphics - Marco Fantozzi, Isabela Giurgiu
DOP - Paolo Rapalino
Programming– Fabrizio Bonaga
Music - Fabio Coggiola
Speaker - Cesare Rasini
Editing - Marco Duretti

P.Iva e C.F. 06278280018    Iscrizione Albo Cooperative n. A101724    Capitale sociale Euro 59.556,98 i.v.    Iscritta al Reg. Imprese di Torino n. 06278280018    REA n. 775996    Reg. Tribunale TO 1421/92

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